Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Pending Completion

So... I finally am going to school! And I got into the Education Program for Fall 2009!!! Well "pending completion of all admission requirements." So in reality as long as I pass math I am in! So wish me luck with passing math, honestly I'm alittle worried. But way more excited than worried!

Yay for Friends!

The past few weekends I have got to see some of my friends I hadn't seen in forever!

Me, Monica and Adriana got together for Cafe Rio and Pedicures!!
The weekend before Melissa was here!

We spent a "little" time playing Guitar Hero!

While she was here we went to Temple Square, while Brian and Tashina were able to have Sadie Sealed to them. Melissa and I got walk around Temple Square with Nikki and Liberty. (Melissa's Nieces) I was watching Talan that day so he got to tag along with us. It was such a nice day. I had alot of fun. Nikki and Liberty are so fun. It was good to catch up with Melissa. After the temple we went back to Brian and Tashinas for more Guitar hero. Some how I didn't get any pictures of us though.

It has been so fun to have my friends here!