Friday, January 23, 2009


So why is it that right when things start going good,
something ends up going wrong?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Well now that I caught up on 2008, I should catch you up on 2009 so far. New Years day we spent at Grandma Daleys. The 5th was my birthday, it was okay. I just wasn't excited to turn 26. I mean I love my birthday still one of my favorite days but this year it was just ok. I worked, then went to dinner. Then pretty much nothing exciting. On the 6th I went and took a math final and completely failed! Which means I am still doing math so I can redo it. On the 7th I started SCHOOL for real! After a 5 year break I finally decided I better just finish! I am excited to be back and working towards something! Last weekend we went and saw Gran Trino! It was a really good movie. It was one I didn't think I would like but Trevor wanted to go so I just went with it. But I ended up really liking it! The next day me, Maryn, Nikki and Daniel went to Marley and me. It was good too not great but good. Sunday, was church then I had a bishops interview but they forgot about it so I had to reschedule for next week. Yesterday was just work and the Legacy Center. Today I went to school, now I am at work, avoiding doing math! Which I probably shouldn't avoid if I want to actually pass!


Apparently two blogs in one day was my limit for a while. haha Or I'm just a slacker! I have been reading through some blogs and decided that I am going to copy a few people and give my year in review. A few reasons why, I think that last year was one of those years that for sure got me to where I am this year. And I didn't write in a journal at all so hopefully I will remember a few things and at least get them written down. So hopefully I remember everything and that you all can deal with all the drama that was 2008.


Wow, I already do not know where to start. January was a hard month full of change. My cousin Joeys funeral had been on New Years Eve. So New Years Day for me brought the reality of how quickly life changes along with the hope that the New Year was going to be better than the last. Then of course came my favorite day of the year, January 5th! My birthday! I turned 25, and couldn't believe it. It was a really good birthday though, Monica was here so we got to hang out, Jacob remembered all on his own to say Happy Birthday. We went to Jump on it then played Rock Band. It was a good night. The next week I moved in with Maryn. Found out that we are both OCD but in very different ways, but luckily they compliment each other pretty well. So we got along really good. I never would have guessed it but we did. I guess there is something to that judging someone before you really know them.


I am not remembering to much about this month. I know it was Trevors Birthday, we probably went to dinner but I don't have any idea actually. I do know that a new tradition was created this month. We took our four wheelers up to Mandys, for what has turned into the 1st annual Snow Derby! It was a blast! Ivan got the tractor and made us a track. We hooked up tubes to the back of the quads and spent two days pulling each other around. There were plenty of crashes and laughing. I think we also went to the Brad Paisley concert this month.


Um... Okay this is getting hard! I really don't know what happened in March. I know at this point I was talking to Jacob pretty much every night and wanted to go to Montana really bad. I also think this is when Maryn and I would spend our saturdays making sure the condo was spotless. I know that Ryan visited. (this is relevant later on) Oh yeah, my family also went out to wendover for the Sarah Evans concert. It was the first time me, Trevor and Nikki had actually went and stayed out there. We had fun, the concert was great. Trevor, Megan and my dad left before my mom, Nikki and I. We decided to stay because we were "winning" haha by about 3 in the morning, Nikki was done and wanted to go home. My mom and I weren't ready to go, but if you know Nikki, she usually gets her way. So we started drving home, I was starting to get tired so I stopped in Tooele and switched my mom. It had been raining a little but then we got to this one spot on the road where it had snowed and we hit black ice. The car spun, I was bracing to hit the barrier, we were all praying and swearing at the same time. It was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me! While we were spinning we could see other cars coming and knew they were going to hit us. But somehow they missed!!! We couldn't believe it, we missed the barriers, and the cars missed us! It was crazy, once we stopped spinning we just sat sidways in the road, Thankful we were okay.


This was a great month! Me and Maryn were called as CTR 5 teachers. We found out that Megan was pregnant! We were so excited! Then came our trip to California! We went to Six Flaggs! I love that place, then Cindy and Kamies Family came, we all stayed in the same hotel. We went to Disneyland, Sea World, and Universal Studios. It was so fun to have all of us there! The end of that month Me, Cindy, Nikki and Megan went to the Dierks Bentley concert! I love him! I also bought tickets to go to Montana!!! I was so excited to see Jacob. And I am pretty sure Ryan stayed at my house again.


The beginning of May I don't really remember. May 22, I went to Montana!!! I love that place, Jacob picked me up from the airport. On the way home asked me if I knew that Ryan was getting married in two weeks! What the heck! Ryan had just stayed at my house and failed to mention that he was getting married!!! So I freaked out a little but me and Ryan were not talking at that point anyway so I couldn't call him o ut on it exspecially since I hadn't told him I was going to be in Montana. That night we went and just sat at Jacobs house and talked it was so good to be with him! During that trip me and Jacob went camping with some of his friends. I visited Kit, and Monica it was a good trip until the last night I was there and everything went completely WRONG! After I got home from Montana the next weekend I went to Arizona to go to the Kenny Chesney/Keith Urban Concert. IT was a blast! It was good to get another vacation after a vacation just to deal with all the drama of the last night in Montana.

June, July, and August-

These three get grouped together because I did most of the same stuff during all three months! Camping started! Me and Maryn went to the Property just about every weekend. Just getting away, four wheeling and doing nothing was great! In June was Strawberry days we went to the Rodeo and all the stuff that comes along with it. I had shingles! That was not fun! In August, Me, Mandy, Nikki, and Maryn went to Twin Falls to the Temple open house. It was really cool, I hadn't been to an open house since the Mt. Timp. Temple, so it was fun. While we were there I also got to see Daniel!!! I had missed him. The summer wasn't all that exciting but it was lots of fun!

September, October, November

I am not remembering September at all! I know we did more camping.
October was the end of camping. We had a Halloween Party at the condo. Lots of spooky shanigans haha. November, I started a math class. Thanksgiving was at my moms, it was good.


The 3rd was Nikki's birthday, we went to dinner at Olive Garden. The 5th Talan was born!!! He is so so so cute! Its crazy Trevor is a dad! Crazy that I am an aunt. But he is such a cute little boy! Christmas Eve I woke up sick! I throw up every hour 10 to the hour for about 12 hours then it wasn't so predictable! It made for a long day and a long Christmas. I wish I could have a Christmas redo! Other than being sick it was good to be together as a family. New Years eve we went to Cindys and played games and hung out. Grandma Daley came too she is so funny. AT midnight she was going to dance on the table but we only let her stand on a bar stool. haha

Over all 2008 was alright. I diffiantly want 2009 to be great! So far its started out better, I just hope it continues!